30 NOVEMBER 2022
LifeLine Zululand Program Manager, Nompilo Maphumulo said the donation comes at a critical time and will help in the fight against gender-based violence.
Our Hillside Aluminium operation marked the beginning of the UN’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based violence by handing over seven newly built ‘park home’ units to LifeLine Zululand in the King Cetshwayo, uMhkanyakude and Zululand districts.
LifeLine Zululand is a non-profit organisation that provides a range of services and programs for victims of gender-based violence. Our donation of R1.7 million to build the units will assist both social workers and victims of domestic violence in remote rural areas where access to basic services is challenging. The seven units are air-conditioned, easily transportable and contain all the necessary equipment needed to support victims.
LifeLine Zululand Program Manager, Nompilo Maphumulo said the donation comes at a critical time and will help in the fight against gender-based violence.
“The past five years indicate that LifeLine Zululand has rendered services to 65,594 new victims of gender-based violence. This statistic shows how some communities have normalised violence and abuse, so we have to continue to champion awareness and education in various areas.”
Specialist Social Economic Development at Hillside Aluminium, Balungile Mabele thanked those who attended the official handover event and said: “We are proud to support this program that will provide lasting benefits to our communities. Our hope is that in partnering with LifeLine Zululand, we are making a difference and supporting women and children subjected to abuse.”
In the last financial year, we committed more than US$550,000 globally to support several organisations in addressing the causes of gender, domestic and family-based violence. Learn more in our Sustainable Development Report.