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Sustainability approach

We view sustainability as supporting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


Our approach to sustainability aims to balance environmental, social and economic considerations, and to support delivery of our purpose and strategy in a way that creates enduring value for our stakeholders. 

We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability performance, optimising our positive contributions, and minimising our adverse impacts. Our commitment to sustainable development underpins the delivery of our purpose and strategy and guides the five interconnected pillars of our sustainability approach.

Sustainability governance

Our Sustainability Policy outlines our commitment to sustainable development and transparency on sustainability matters, and is guided by international standards and initiatives, including the ICMM Mining Principles, the United Nations Global Compact Ten Principles and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our sustainability topic-specific approaches

Our sustainability approach is further defined through a series of topic specific ‘Our Approach’ documents which outline our public commitments and management approach related to each topic. Implementation is supported through internal standards and procedures which define minimum performance requirements.