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South32 at a glance

We are South32

two south32 workers

We are South32

We are a global mining and metals company, creating value by producing commodities that are used in many aspects of modern life.

Our operations, development options and exploration programs are diversified by commodity and geography.

We work to minimise the impact of our activities and aim to create enduring value for all of our stakeholders, at each stage of the mining lifecycle.

Our purpose, strategy and values

Our purpose, strategy and values guide not only what we do, but how we do it. Every day, in support of our purpose and aligned with our values, our people work to deliver our strategy for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

Our purpose, strategy and values

South32 at a glance

Our commodities















More operations information: What we do Our locations Our commodities

Our FY24 Underlying EBITDA was US$1,802 million

By commodity

  • Base and precious metals
  • Manganese ore
  • Aluminium value chain
  • Copper
  • Metallurgical coal

By region

  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Americas

1,118 KT

FY24 Copper equivalent production


FY24 shareholder returns


FY24 total payments to governments

More financial information: Investors Financial & operational results Annual Reporting Suite

Our approach to sustainability aims to balance environmental, social and economic considerations, and to support delivery of our purpose and strategy in a way that creates enduring value for our stakeholders.

safety performance
5.1 FY24 Total Recordable Injury Frequency (14% improvement from FY23)1
reducing our emissions
6% FY24 reduction in operational greenhouse gas emissions from FY23 levels (2% from our FY21 baseline)2
environmental performance
68.4% FY24 operational water efficiency3

1 Frequency rates are per million hours worked. Incidents are included where South32 controls the work location or controls the work activity.

2 Operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions includes Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from our operated assets.

3 Percentage of water used for operational activities which is reused/recycled water.

Developing natural resources to change people’s lives for the better

Sustainability is at the heart of our purpose and underpins everything we do. Our approach to sustainability comprises five interconnected pillars which focus on areas that are material to our business and stakeholders.